what do you wish to calculate:
area perimeter
enter values ______ submit<----button
the page allows the user calculate area or perimeter of a parallelogram. First user will select an option, then enters necessary parameters separated by comma. write a JavaScript function called shapeFormulas(0 to calculate and display area or perimeter in an alert.
the function should display an error if user does not follow the required input format.
Area : base x height
perimeter : 2 x (side1+side2)
example one
user select area
output: the area is : 50
example two
user select perimeter
output:the perimeter is:30
example three
user select Area
input: 2 3
output: Invalid parameters
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h3>What do you wish to calculate?</h3>
<input type = "radio" name = "calculation" value = "Area" checked>Area
<input type = "radio" name = "calculation" value = "Perimeter">Perimeter
Enter values<input type ="text" id = "textfield"><button type = "button" onclick="shapeFormulas()">Submit</button>
function shapeFormulas(){
var arr1 = document.getElementById('textfield').value;
var arr2 = arr1.split(',');
var b = parseInt(arr2[0]);
var h = parseInt(arr2[1]);
var res = document.getElementsByName('calculation');
if(isNaN(b) || isNaN(h)){
alert("Invalid parameters");
else if(res[0].checked){
area = b * h;
alert("the area is :"+area);
else if(res[1].checked){
perimeter = 2 * (b + h);
alert("the perimeter is: "+perimeter);
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