Given the following classes and inheritance hierarchy which are used to store various types of
communication services provided by TMPOINT previously known as Telekom Malaysia :
and the following definition for the TMPoint class :
public class TMPoint
{ String phoneNo;
String custName;
String dateinstall;
double installFee;
//accessor methods
Streamyx class is inherited from class TMPoint. Its new attribute is package type and usage time.
Telephone class is also inherited from class TMPoint. Its new attribute is minuteUsed.
a) Define the constructor for superclass TMPoint and its subclass Streamyx and Telephone.
(8 marks)
b) Write the accessor and setter methods for each attribute from the superclass and subclasses.
(4 marks)
package tmpoint;
public class TMPoint {
String phoneNo;
String custName;
String dateinstall;
double installFee;
public TMPoint(String p, String c, String d, double i){
phoneNo = p;
custName = c;
dateinstall = d;
installFee = i;
void setinstallFee(double i){
installFee = i;
void setphoneNo(String i){
phoneNo = i;
void setDateinstall(String i){
dateinstall = i;
void setCustName (String i){
custName = i;
String getPhone(){
return phoneNo;
String getCustName(){
return custName;
String getDateinstall(){
return dateinstall;
double getinstallFee(){
return installFee;
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO code application logic here
class Streamyx extends TMPoint{
private String type, usage_time;
Streamyx(String t, String u){
type = t;
usage_time = u;
void setType(String t ){
type = t;
String getType(){
return type;
void setUsageTime(String t ){
usage_time = t;
String getUsageTime(){
return usage_time;
class Telephone extends TMPoint{
private String minuteUsed;
Telephone(String t){
minuteUsed = t;
void setMinuteUsed(String t ){
minuteUsed = t;
String getMinuteUsed(){
return minuteUsed;
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