Ground Beef Value Calculator Different packages of ground beef have different percentages of fat and different costs per pound. Write a program that asks the user for: 1. The price per pound of package "A" 2. The percent lean in package "A" 3. The price per pound of package "B" 4. The percent lean in package "B" The program then calculates the cost per pound of lean (nonfat) beef for each package and writes out which is the best value. INPUT Enter Price per pound package A: 2.89 Percent lean package A: 85 Price per pound package B: 3.49 Percent lean package B: 93 OUTPUT Package A cost per pound of lean:3.4 Package B cost per pound of lean:3.75 Package A is the best value Assume that the two packages will not come out equal in value. Note: the output of the program above should be formatted to 2 decimal places using the method System.out.printf(). Note: Use if and switch Control statement Format of Answer 1. Code 2. Screenshot of codes in editor 3. Output
1. Code
import java.util.Scanner;
public class App {
* The start point of the program
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner keyBoard = new Scanner(;
System.out.print("Enter Price per pound package A: ");
double pricePerPoundPackageA = keyBoard.nextDouble();
System.out.print("Percent lean package A: ");
double percentLeanPackageA = keyBoard.nextDouble();
System.out.print("Price per pound package B: ");
double pricePerPoundPackageB = keyBoard.nextDouble();
System.out.print("Percent lean package B: ");
double percentLeanPackageB = keyBoard.nextDouble();
double packageACostPerPoundLean = (pricePerPoundPackageA / percentLeanPackageA) * 100.0;
double packageBCostPerPoundLean = (pricePerPoundPackageB / percentLeanPackageB) * 100.0;
System.out.printf("Package A cost per pound of lean:%.2f\n", packageACostPerPoundLean);
System.out.printf("Package B cost per pound of lean:%.2f\n", packageBCostPerPoundLean);
if (packageACostPerPoundLean < packageBCostPerPoundLean) {
System.out.println("Package A is the best value");
} else {
System.out.println("Package B is the best value");
2. Screenshot of codes in editor
3. Output
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