logic inside the forloop to test ifthe number is between 90 and 100 If the number is in this range, then it should add 1 to the tally ofgradeA. You should have another test to see if the number is between 80&89 and if it should add 1 to the tally of gradeBYou should continue to have tests for 70 to79 being gradeC60 69 being graded& below 60 being gradeF. After the for loop thendisplay a list ofhow many students had A's B'setc. in the output message box.If the data is 90 100 80 85 63 73 80 92 90The display should be like that: Create algorithmpseudocodeflowchartCreate counter variables for each letter grade.Create conditional statements to determine the number of A’s B’sC’s D’s and F’sCriteria:Grade AScore is between 90(inclusive)and100(inclusive)Grade BScore is between 80(inclusive)and 90(not inclusive)Grade CScore is between 70 (inclusive)and80(not inclusive)Grade DScore is between 60(inclusive)and 70(not inclusive)Grade FScore is below 60Print the counts for each grade in one message box.
Declare variable numberScores
Declare variable score
Declare variable gradeA=0
Declare variable gradeB=0
Declare variable gradeC=0
Declare variable gradeD=0
Declare variable gradeF=0
Display "How many scores do you wish to enter?"
Read numberScores
for i=0 to numberScores
Read score
if score>=90 and score<=100 then
end if
if score>=80 and score<=89 then
end if
if score>=70 and score<=79 then
end if
if score>=60 and score<=69 then
end if
if score<=59 then
end if
End for
Display gradeA in the message box
Display gradeB in the message box
Display gradeC in the message box
Display gradeD in the message box
Display gradeF in the message box
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