1) Configure and optimize HSRP
2) Configure EIGRP on the core switches and ISR router
3) Configure PCs and Server:
PC1 in VLAN 10. IP =
PC2 in VLAN 20. IP =
PC3 in VLAN 34, IP =
Server’ in VLAN 100, P = 10.1.100. 100/24
4) Make sure that PCs can ping each other and the server
5) Verify connectivity between switches and serves and PCs
Router IP g0/0/0 =
g0/0/1 = DHCP
6) Configure ISR g0/0/1 for DHCP
7) Enable NAT to NAT internal network to ISR G0/0/1 interface (PAT)
8) Verify that PCs can ping cisco.com
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