A current, I=200A is passed through a copper conductor of cross section: S=1cm2. We suppose that all the atoms are transformed into Cu2+ ions. The density of copper is given by 8.9x103kg/m3 ; ( atomic mass is M=0.0635kg/mol and the Avogadro number is N=6.22x103 mol-1. Calculate the number of electrons per m3:
Gives "I=200A\\\\S=1cm^2M=8.9\\times10^3kg\/m^3\\\\M=0.0635kg\/mol\\\\N=6.23\\times10^{23}mol^{-1}\\\\cu^{2+},n=2"
"n=\\frac{N_A}{V}\\times d"
Electron density
Now as such atom contribution two electron the number of electron per unit volume
"n_e=2\\times n"
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