Let the instant velocity of a rocket be "v". In the instantaneous rest frame of the rocket, particles of the gas cloud collide with it head-on with the same absolute velocity "v", and bounce-off with the same velocity. Hence, in the gas frame, they change velocity from zero to "2v". The momentum is thus constantly transferred from the rocket to gas particles, as a result of which, the rocket loses the same amount of momentum. In a small time "\\Delta t", the mass of new particles involved in collisions is "\\Delta m = \\rho S v \\Delta t", where "S" is the cross-sectional area of the rocket, and "\\rho" is the gas mass density. The momentum loss by the rocket is then "2 \\Delta m v = 2 \\rho S v^2 \\Delta t". If the mass of the rocket is "M", this should be equal to "- M \\Delta v", where "\\Delta v" is the change in the rocket velocity. Equating these quantities and dividing by "\\Delta t", we obtain a differential equation "M \\dot v = - 2 \\rho S v^2". Its solution "v (t)" with the initial condition "v (0) = v_0" is
"v (t) = \\left( \\frac{2 \\rho S}{M} t + \\frac{1}{v_0} \\right)^{-1} \\, ."Requiring, by the statement of the problem, "v (t_0) = v_0 \/ 2", we obtain the equation
"\\frac{2}{v_0} = \\frac{2 \\rho S}{M} t_0 + \\frac{1}{v_0} \\, ,"whence we find the answer:
"t_0 = \\frac{M}{2 \\rho S v_0} \\, ."
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