1. Deepities are apparently profound statements that generally have at least two meanings: one that’s trivially true and one that’s apparently meaningful but almost certainly false. See if you can explain why the following sayings should be considered deepities. What kind of equivocation (lexical ambiguity) is in play?
a. The Theory of Evolution is only a theory
b. A human zygote is a human
c. Que sera, sera
a. Evolution refers to the change in attributes of a species over many generations. The theory relies on the process of natural selection. Since evolution follows the idea that all species are related, and they transform over time, the theory is a deepity,
b. A human zygote is a human. This theory is a deepity because a zygote is considered a potential potential person, but not yet a fully-grown person. Similarly, it is possible to assert that a human being was not potentially a person because it developed from a zygote, embro, or a foetus.
c. Que sera, sera: This statement is used to predict fatal events in the future, which are out of a speaker's control. This statement can be true or false; hence, a deepity, because the future can change and fail to meet what the predictor hoped for.
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