Which of the following concerns does Critical Theory focus on in its search for truth?
1. A concern about who we are as individuals and our place in society.
2. A concern with clear and precise thinking to arrive at the truth.
3. A concern with the identification of error and falsity in investigation.
4. A concern that all community structures are oppressive.
Which of the following is correct? Critical Theory as a philosophy of education ... .
1) believes that modern schooling systems are simply the means by which dominant
ideologies are passed onto learners
2) claims that knowledge is universal and absolute
3) emphasises that learners must passively accept what they are taught in the classroom
4) argues that education must serve the needs of capitalism
Which of the following is correct in terms of Critical Theory in education?
Critical Theory ... .
1) cannot change the way we think about, and practice, education
2) claims that modern schooling disempowers learners from being able to reflect critically on
the society in which they live
3) is not very sceptical about the benefits of technology in the classroom
4) does not believe that education systems perpetuate social inequalities
When it comes to education, Postmodernism ... .
1) argues that education is about assisting the learner to become themselves
2) claims that education is about transmitting the ideology of those in power in society
3) emphasises that schooling methods should enable learners to acquire rational knowledge
that is universal
4) asserts that teachers should check the progress of learners by means of their performance
in exams and tests
Which of the following is correct in terms of Postmodernism as a philosophy of education?
Postmodernism … .
1) critiques the validity of our own knowledge
2) claims that teachers in transmitting knowledge know what is right
3) points out that for learners, school is a place where they can become the people they want
to be
4) does not reject the notion of absolute truth in education
A philosophy of education based on Postmodernism ... .
1) discounts absolute truth in education
2) views school as a place where learners can become the people, they want to be
3) challenges the claims of the West with respect to its cultural superiority
4) focuses on problem solving strategies which involves clarity in thinking and open
When it comes to education, Critical Realism ... .
1) argues that education should be viewed as a search for objective truth
2) claims that education is about transmitting the ideology of those in power in society
3) emphasises that education should be viewed as a search for subjective truth
4) asserts that education is concerned with the search for objective and subjective truth
Critical Realism is a philosophy of education ... .
1) critiques the validity of our own knowledge.
2) claims that education can help to critique and bring about change to our social world.
3) does not believe that education systems perpetuate social inequalities.
4) asserts that education does not reject the notion of absolute truth in education.
No. 9 4. A concern that all community structures are oppressive.
no. 10 1) believes that modern schooling systems are simply the means by which dominant
No. 11 2) claims that modern schooling disempowers learners from being able to reflect critically on
the society in which they live
No. 12 2) claims that education is about transmitting the ideology of those in power in society
No. 13 3) points out that for learners, school is a place where they can become the people they want
to be
No. 14 4) focuses on problem solving strategies which involves clarity in thinking and open
No. 15 3) emphasises that education should be viewed as a search for subjective truth
No. 16 2) claims that education can help to critique and bring about change to our social world.
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