Sociology is... .
1) a study of social systems that should be investigated as an interrelated whole
2) a study of isolated, individual parts of society
3) a study of multiculturalism
4) the hidden curriculum
Different theorists argue that education is...
a) the act of imparting or acquiring knowledge and skills
b) a form of socialisation
c) a means of shaping learners’ characters
d) not static, but dynamic
1) a, b and c
2) b, c and d
3) a, b, c and d
4) b and c
The sociology of education... .
1) examines the relationship between the school, politics, economics and culture
2) is not really sociology
3) is critical of discipline in schools
4) ignores the role of teachers in schools
Functionalists suggest that schools have a latent function which is to ... .
a) produce people who share the same economic and political practices
b) produce institutions
c) teach traditional school subjects
d) produce people who share the cultural practices and norms of society
1) a and d
2) b and c
3) a, b and c
4) b, c and d
Highly complex, industrialised societies tend to ... .
a) establish a system of universal, compulsory public education
b) abolish the family
c) ensure that role differentiation is achieved
d) make education non-compulsory
1) a, b and d
2) b and d
3) a and c
4) b, c and d
Some functionalists believe that social class inequalities are... .
a) The result of fluid class boundaries
b) Unfair
c) Necessary as they motivate people to take on important positions
d) Essential to the smooth running of society
1) a, b and d
2) c and d
3) b and d
4) a, b and c
Conflict theorists argue that schools ... .
a) are not a social benefit
b) provide opportunities to those who work hard
c) reward students
d) prepare people to become compliant workers in a capitalist economy
1) a, b and c
2) b and c
3) a and d
4) b. c and d
Conflict theory suggests that IQ (Intelligence Quotient) tests ... .
a) favour the working class
b) favour the affluent classes
c) favour the intelligent
d) are culturally biased
1) b and d
2) c
3) a and c
4) b, c and d
For conflict theorists, the racial order in society ... .
1) is ‘natural’
2) has nothing to do with social class
3) will always remain the same
4) is inextricably tied to class stratification
Explicit components of symbolic interactionism are ... .
a) conflict
b) interpretation
c) action
d) constructivism
1) a, c and d
2) b, c and d
3) a and d
4) a and b
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