Contrast Cordova's description of the American Indian approach to the world and our place in it with the Western perspective. How is the American Indian approach which considers us "at home" on the earth different from dominant views in the West?
Your post should be at least 300 words and should cite the text both for paraphrasing (putting material in your own words) as well as direct quotes.
Native Americans treated their land as home and they were not very much interested in the afterlife as the Western religions promoted. Description of the American Indian approach to the world and our place in it with the Western perspective illustrate that the fundamental idea is embedded in the Native American.
The American Indian approach which considers us "at home" on the earth different from dominant views in the West is observed when American Indians and society continue to be debated, refined, and changed (Cordova, 2007). Important, however, is the fact that American Indians may once again emerge as powerful political players on the national scene—not just as moral entities, but also as significant economic entities. This is in part because of the newly possible economic development of American Indian tribes. The twenty-first century holds much promise for American Indians in this regard. Educationally, American Indians have gained some measure of control over the education of their youth, a trend unlikely to reverse itself in the new century. Also important, educationally, is the emergence of American Indian studies. It has the potential to fundamentally alter American conceptions about American Indians and bring important new knowledge bases within the realm of academe; unfortunately, that potential is largely unfilled.
Cordova, V. F. (2007). How it is: the native American philosophy of VF Cordova. University of Arizona Press.
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