Prove them
T=[r', r",r"]/K^2(r')^6
We express r'(t) and r"(t) in terms of T and T'.Then compute their cross product.
Computation of r'. Since T=r'/||r'|| and ds/dt=||r'|| we get that: r'=(ds/dt)*T
Computation of r'' Taking the derivative with respect to t of the previous formula gives us: r''=(d2s/dt2)*T+ (ds/dt)*T'
Computation of r'(t)×r"(t). From 2 previous formulas and using the properties of cross products, we see that: r'×r"=(ds/dt)*(d2s/dt2)(T×T)+(ds/dt)2(T×T')
Since the cross product of a vector by itself is always the zero vector, we see that: |r'×r"|=(ds/dt)2|T×T'|=(ds/dt)2|T||T'|sinf
Where f is the angle between T and T'. Since |T|=1, we know that T is perpendicular to T'
thus: |r'×r"|=(ds/dt)2|T'|=|r'|2|T'|
Therefore: |T'|=(|r'×r"|)/|r'|2
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