Ten android tablets will be delivered to a certain school for testing but three of them are defective tablet, Y represent the nondefective tablet and L represent the random variable representing the defective tablet will occur. Complete the table below and find the values of random variable L.
"\\def\\arraystretch{1.5}\n \\begin{array}{c:c}\n \\text{Possible } & \\text{Values of the } \\\\\n \\text{Outcomes} & \\text{Random Variable} \\ L\\\\\n\\hline\nLL & 2 \\\\\nLY & 1 \\\\\nYL & 1\\\\\nYY & 0\n\n\\end{array}"
"\\def\\arraystretch{1.5}\n \\begin{array}{c:c}\n l & 0 & 1 & 2 \\\\ \n \\hdashline \\\\\n\n P(L=l) & \\dfrac{7}{15} & \\dfrac{7}{15} & \\dfrac{1}{15}\n\\end{array}"
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Answer the given problem. Write your complete solutions. In 2019 midterm election, a pollster was assigned to interview the oldest male and female in various households. Each was asked whether he or she voted for Vico Sotto. If the male said "Yes" and the female said "No," the pollster recorded YN. Construct the probability distribution of the number of YES answers then find the mean, variance and standard deviation.
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