) Consider the funсtion f:R\{−1}→R defined by f(x)=2x+1 /x+1.
i) Check that f(x) is well defined and 1−1.
2)Check that f(x) is not =2 for any x∈R.
3)Check that g:R\{2}→R given by g(x)=x−1/2-x is well defined and 1-1 Further,check that g(x)=−1for any x∈R.
(4) Check that (f◦g)(x)=x for x∈R\{2} and (g◦f)(x)=x for x∈R\{−1}.
b)Find the direction cosines of the perpendicular from the origin to the plane r·(6i+4j+2√ 3k)+2=0.
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