Suppose V is finite-dimensional with dim V ≥ 2.
Prove that there exist S, T ∈ L(V; V ) such that ST ≠ T S.
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Here's a specific example which holds for V a vector space over any field F. Suppose first that dimV=2; then picking any basis {"v_1,v_2" } for V, we define in that basis the operators "N_1,N_2\u2208L(V,V)" as folllows:
Then for any vector "w=av_1+bv_2" we have
We see from (3) and (4) and the linear independence of "v_1,v_2" that
unless a=b=0, that is, unless w=0. Thus
as operators in L(V,V). In the event that dimV=n>2, we may build upon the construction of "N_1,N_2" as follows: choosing a basis {"v_1,v_2,\u2026,v_n" } for V, we now define "N_1, N_2 \\text{ on } v_1, v_2" as above, and set
for 3≤i≤n. Then for any "w=\u2211a_iv_i\u2208V" we have as above
provided at least one of a1,a2≠0. Thus
We have thus shown that for any finite dimensional vector space V over any field F, dimV>1 implies the existence of a noncommutating pair of operators "S,T\u2208L(V,V): TS\u2260S" T
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