Reduce the quadratic form 5x^2-4xy+8y^2 to its orthogonal canonical form, clearly giving the transformations being used. Also give a rough sketch of the curve representing this canonical form.
"5x^2 -4xy +8y^2 = 1" (instead of one, any number can be here, you did not specify it)
"(nx \\pm my)^2 = c" - canonical form
first of all we should find the square roots of the first and last terms:
"\\sqrt{5x^2} = \\sqrt{5}*x"
"\\sqrt{8y^2} = 2\\sqrt{2}*y"
-4 - should be multiplication of "\\sqrt{5}" and "2\\sqrt{2}" and + free term:
"\\sqrt{5}*2\\sqrt{2} = 2\\sqrt{10}"
Answer: "(\\sqrt{5}x + 2\\sqrt{2}y)^2 - (4+2\\sqrt{10})xy = 1"
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