an = a 0.5n + n, a1 = 0, where n is a power of 2, is a linear recurrence relation. ( true / falsa ).
A linear recurrence relation is an equation that expresses each element of a sequence as a linear function of the preceding ones. More precisely, in the case where only the immediately preceding element is involved, a linear recurrence relation has the form "u_n=\\varphi (n,u_{n-1},u_{n-2},\\ldots ,u_{n-d})," where "{\\displaystyle \\varphi :\\mathbb {N} \\times X^{d}\\to X} , \\ \\varphi (n,u_{n-1},u_{n-2},\\ldots ,u_{n-d})=c_1u_{n-1}+c_2u_{n-2}+\\ldots +c_da_{n-d}+f(n),"
is a everywhere defined function that involves "d" consecutive elements of the sequence. In this case, "d" initial values are needed for defining a sequence.
Taking into account that "a_n = a_{0.5n} + n" is defined only for "n" equals to the powers of 2, and hence is not defined for the rest natural numbers, the previous definition implies that "a_n = a_{0.5n} + n" is not a linear recurrence relation.
Answer: false
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