1. Suppose we want to show A = B. If we show A ⊆ B, then every element of A is also in B, but there is still a possibility that B could have some elements that are not in A, so we can’t conclude A = B. But if in addition we also show B ⊆ A, then B can’t contain anything that is not in A, so A = B
2. Prove DeMorgan’s Law #1 Complement of the Union Equals the Intersection of the Complements
Let P = (A U B)' and Q = A' ∩ B' Let x be an arbitrary element of P then x ∈ P ⇒ x ∈ (A U B)' ⇒ x ∉ (A U B) ⇒ x ∉ A and x ∉ B ⇒ x ∈ A' and x ∈ B' ⇒ x ∈ A' ∩ B' ⇒ x ∈ Q
Prove DeMorgan’s Law #2 Complement of the Intersection Equals the Union of the Complements Let P = (A ∩ B)' and Q = A' U B' Let x be an arbitrary element of P then x ∈ P ⇒ x ∈ (A ∩ B)' ⇒ x ∉ (A ∩ B) ⇒ x ∉ A or x ∉ B ⇒ x ∈ A' or x ∈ B' ⇒ x ∈ A' U B' ⇒ x ∈ Q
3. Using the Indirect Method
"Let \nA\n,\nB\n,\nC\n be sets. If \nA\n\u2286\nB\n and \nB\n\u2229\nC\n=\n\u2205\n,\n then \nA\n\u2229\nC\n=\n\u2205"
If we assume the conclusion is false and we obtain a contradiction --- then the theorem must be true.
"Assume \nA\n\u2286\nB\n and \nB\n\u2229\nC\n=\n\u2205\n,\n and \nA\n\u2229\nC\n\u2260\n\u2205\n." To prove that this cannot occur, let x∈A∩C.
"x\n\u2208\nA\n\u2229\nC\n\u21d2\nx\n\u2208\nA\n and \nx\n\u2208\nC\n\u21d2\nx\n\u2208\nB\n and \nx\n\u2208\nC\n\u21d2\nx\n\u2208\nB\n\u2229\nC"
But this contradicts the second premise. Hence, the theorem is proven.
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