Write concepts and Application of Derivative and integral calculus.
The main concepts of calculus are:
2)Differential Calculus (Differentiation)
3)Integral Calculus (Integration)
4)Multi-variable Calculus (Function theory)
Differentiation and integration can help us solve many types of real-world problems.
We use the derivative to determine the maximum and minimum values of particular functions (e.g. cost, strength, amount of material used in a building, profit, loss, etc.).
Derivatives are met in many engineering and science problems, especially when modelling the behaviour of moving objects.
Integral calculus is applied in the fields of Engineering, Physics, Maths, etc.
Integration is much needed in physics ,for example, to calculate the Centre of Mass, Centre of Gravity, and Mass Moment of Inertia of a sports utility vehicle. To calculate the velocity and trajectory of an object, predict the position of planets, and understand electromagnetism.
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