The function,f: [-1,1]×[2,1] → R, defined by
f(x,y)= { x ; y is rational
{ 0 ; y is irrational
is integrable or not.
True or false with full explanation
"Inf U (p, f) =sup L(p, f)"
"L(p, f) =\\sum_(i=1) mi\\Delta xi"
"L(p, f) =m1\\Delta x1+m2\\Delta x2 +... +mr\\Delta xr +... +mn\\Delta xn"
"mi=0 \\therefore L(p, f) =0"
"Sup L (p, f) =0"
"U(p, f) = \\sum _(i=1) Mi\\Delta xi"
"U(p, f) =M1\\Delta x1+M2\\Delta x2+... +Mr\\Delta xr+... +Mn\\Delta xn"
"M1=0, Mr =1"
"U(p, f) = 1\\Delta xr"
"\\Delta xr\\to 0 \\therefore inf U(p, f) =0"
Hence integrable
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