"R_0""=" Rotation of "0^\u00b0" , "R_{90}" =Rotation of "{90}^\u00b0" , "R_{180}=" Rotation of"{180}^\u00b0","R_{270}=" Rotation of "{270}^\u00b0" ,"H=" Flip about horizontal axis ,"V="
Flip about vertical axis, "D=" Flip about main diagonal ,"D'""=" Flip about the other diagonal.
"D_8=" { "R_0,R_{90},R_{180},R_{270},H,V,D,D'" }
"Z(D_8)=" { "a\\in D_8:ax=xa \\space \\forall \\space x\\in D_8" }
First observe that since every rotation in "D_8" is a power of "R_{90}" ,rotation commute with rotation. We now investigate when a rotation commutes with a reflection. Let "R" be any rotation and "F" be any reflection in "D_8" .Observe that since "RF" is a reflection we have "RF=(RF)^{-1}=F^{-1}R^{-1}=FR^{-1}." Thus it follows that "R\\space and \\space F" commute if and only if "FR=RF=FR^{-1}." By cancellation ,this hold if and only if "R=R^{-1}" .But "R=R^{-1}" only when "R=R_0 \\space and \\space R=R_{180}" .
Thus "Z(D_8)=" {"R_0,R_{180}" }="K" (say).
"\\frac{D_8}{Z(D_8)}=" { "R_0K,R_{90}K,R_{180}K,VK,DK" }.
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