In assisting Mma Dhiamini with attracting the right mix of job applicants at the right time, a certain process has to be followed. ldentify and define this process
It is the hiring process. It is a step-by-step process for hiring a new employee, whereby an organization identifies its talent needs, recruits from its talent pool, and eventually hires the most qualified candidates.
The process includes;
1. Identify the hiring need. It involves justification as to why the employee is required.
2. Devise a recruitment plan. Here, organizations should clearly identify how the new role aligns with their goals and business plan.
3. Write a job description, this includes the roles of the employee.
4. Advertise the Position, it allows the interested candidates to apply. After that, the human resource should shortlist the right candidates for interviews. It makes it easier for several mix of job applicants to see the job opportunity.
5. Recruit the Position, this occurs through interviewing where you should ensure you prepare in advance for the Interview, collect pertinent Information during the interview, look and act professionally during the Interview. This allows to select the right mix of job applicants and select the right candidate.
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