Examine the advertising for cigarettes over time. Spend some time researching how advertising for cigarettes has changed over the past 50 years. Look at old ads from the 1950s and 1960s and compare them with modern ads. How has the message changed? During which time frame do you believe the advertising to be the most effective? Why?
Cigarette advertisement has changed with time. In the early 1950s, the ads on tobacco focused more on the health issues around tobacco use. In 1953, the ads became less health-based after the producing companies such as Camel, Pall Mall, and Chesterfield realized a reduction in the use of their products. The adverts in the US also inclined towards target groups such as young adults, women, and African Americans where human models were used to encourage people to buy cigarettes. Currently, most companies such as Camel, Marlboro, and Newport have target groups whom they offer promotional allowances and price discounts and sponsoring of activities such as sports in the communities. The adverts have changed from focusing on the health effects of tobacco to depicting smoking as a cool and stylish practice. The modern adverts are more effective than those used 50 years ago because they have better and creative images that appeal to the customers. Modern publicity of sponsoring local activities also ensures that the companies give back to the society hence many people continue using their products in return.
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