Examine the advertising for cigarettes over time. Spend some time researching how advertising for cigarettes has changed over the past 50 years. Look at old ads from the 1950s and 1960s and compare them with modern ads. How has the message changed? During which time frame do you believe the advertising to be the most effective? Why?
The advertisement for cigarettes has changed over time. Messages contained in the old ads from the 1950s and 1960s are different from the modern ones. For instance, while in the past nicotine/tobacco advertisement did not consider the health risks that comes along with smoking. There was no health warnings included on the packets. Since 1965 till today, cigarette packaging must include a warning that smoking cigarettes is harmful to ones health. This portrays the actual outcomes that smokers are likely to encounter after smoking cigarettes. This indicates that today's advertisement of cigarette is more precise compared to the past ads
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