Assume that you are the director of marketing for a company that markets electric bicycles in Vancouver. You feel that if your market is segmented, you will be able to satisfy your customers’ needs more efficiently and effectively. You must first decide what bases to use for segmenting the market.
a) Develop a list of the potential segmentation variables you might use.
b) Include your thoughts on how useful each might be to your marketing strategy.
c) What are your final recommendations for the bases for segmenting the market and include your explanation of why you make that recommendation.?
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Assignment will be marked out of 10. It will be evaluated based upon the quality of your research, your identification of appropriate segmenting variables, and the rationale for your recommendation. Professional quality of presentation is expected.
The list of the potential segmentation variables include Demographic and Geographic. The bike company should first determine who the potential consumers are to help in reaching the target group. Consumers have different tastes for the bikes. The company should be able to identity the population and the type of bike selling in those areas. The company should be able to factor in the location and population of the target customers to enable it to market to the correct group of consumers.
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