Of the seven tasks an HR manager does, which do you think is the most challenging? Why?
An HR manager, is an employee of a business that helps to define a company's people-related processes and culture. HR managers can become heavily involved in administrative tasks to ensure a company is treating its people well and within the confines of the law. Human resource managers plan, direct and coordinate the administrative functions of an organization. They oversee recruiting, interviewing and hiring of new staff as well as training for current staff. They play an important role in strategic planning and serve as a liaison between administrative staff and employees.
Human resource managers are on the front-lines of building the staff needed to help an organization succeed. This includes working with administrative staff to maximize the value of the employees and to ensure that everyone is working as productively and efficiently as possible. There are seven main responsibilities of HRM managers that is; staffing, setting policies, compensation and benefits, retention, training, employment laws, and worker protection. Out of the seven tasks an HR manager performs, retention may be the most challenging since retention involves motivating employees to stay with the organization for the longest period of time. Employees are inherently diverse and may form a complex workforce, posing a challenge for the management in finding common ground.
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