which of the 5 distribution channels does a street vendor or hawker use and why is it the best option?
Which Of the 5 Distribution Channels Does a Street Vendor or Hawker Use and Why Is It the Best Option?
A street vendor or hawker uses a direct sale distribution channel. The hawker might be a person who makes or knits clothes for sale. The person may then decide to go door to door to sell these clothes or use the boot of their car to sell these clothes from one location to another. By selling directly to customers, the seller has and retains a lot of control over their product's value and performance (Gajdić et al., 2018). The seller can collect valuable information regarding buying habits and can easily differentiate themselves from the competitors.
Gajdić, D., Petljak, K., & Mesić, Ž. (2018). An exploration of distribution channels: Challenges and opportunities for organic food producers in Croatia. Економика пољопривреде, 65(4).
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