1. Briefly explain the four largest problems in planning
2. Provide a suitable solution to each problem based on your understanding of the chapter.
a) Time commitment: Planning requires a dedication of time. While other people overestimate the time dedication required to plan, others use very little time, which may not yield effective results.
Solution: The planning should be broken into manageable chunks of time and ensuring work sessions are scheduled into reasonable durations like two to three hours.
b) Difficulty in visualizing the future: Planning requires a lot of creativity. An individual has to visualize the scope of his business operations for two, three, or even seven years from now.
Solution: The vision should bank on a well-built assessment of the outlook for the business functions and the general economy. With a rapidly changing environment, business owners must consider dealing with such when preparing a plan.
c) Finishing the plan: Since a plan is like a working document, it is not meant to stay inactive until planning time arrives. Business people have a challenge in determining the end of the prepared plan.
Solution: Having confidence in one’s planning ability while putting in mind that it is impossible to have a perfect plan. The confidence will help in striving towards finishing the planned work.
d) Developing Marketing Strategies: Business owners tend to make vague marketing strategies. They fail to include the specific action plans that make the strategies a reality. Besides, the strategies could be beyond the business potential.
Solution: Developing marketing strategies that have specific steps and those that the business is capable of handling.Â
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