Think of the different organizations to which you belong. Note the different styles of leadership used by the leaders in these organizations. Write a paper describing these individuals style of leading (no names, please) and evaluate the styles being used.
Organizational Leadership Styles
Leadership has become one of the key factors for improving an organization’s performance and goal achievement. The type of leadership style employed has a considerable impact on the organization’s culture which consequently influences the performance (Wen et al., (2019). As a result, organizations have many dimensions to leadership and different leadership styles including transformational, transactional, democratic and autocratic.
First, transformational leadership refers to a leadership style where a leader focuses on working with committed followers and developing them by creating a vision that guides innovation and change. As Wen et al. (2019) suggests, it occurs when a leader elevates the employees’ interests and has an understanding associated with values and motivational level. Transformational leadership is effective because of various reasons including, the leader meeting the emotional needs of employees and stimulating them intellectually (Al Khajeh, 2018). This leadership style forms a personalized relationship that creates an environment in which followers feel happy hence improving the overall performance.
Second, transactional leadership is a style which promotes employee compliance by valuing order and structure to maintain normal operational flow. Leaders implementing this style focuses on the execution of specific tasks and use rewards and punishment to keep employees motivated upon their performance (Wen et al., 2019). Furthermore, Al Khajeh (2018) states that transactional leadership helps in creating and sustaining a context in which human and organizational capabilities are maximized because employees are always guaranteed achieving both tangible and intangible rewards. Particularly, this leadership style helps in establishing an optimal performance environment that enhances organizational performance.
In democratic leadership, the style entails group members taking a more participative role in the organization especially during decision-making process. This style values the views and opinions of employees by allowing them to make decisions and share them with the manager and all subordinates. According to Al Khajeh (2018), in democratic leadership, praises and disapproval are given objectively therefore motivating them to perform better by developing a sense of responsibility among the employees. However, Akparep et al. (2019) articulate that this leadership style has the potential for poor decision-making and weak execution as it assumes that everyone involved has an equal share of expertise in decision-making.
Additionally, autocratic leadership style is an authoritarian leadership in which the leader has absolute control over all decision-making processes in the organization. An autocratic leader determines the policies, activities and techniques to the employees and expects them to follow the same thus making the style more suitable for strict deadline projects (Al Khajeh, 2018). Nonetheless, autocratic leadership can have a negative impact on the overall performance as it restricts workplace communication and socialization which is significant for effective organizational performance.
Akparep, J. Y., Jengre, E., & Mogre, A. A. (2019). The Influence of Leadership Style on Organizational Performance at TumaKavi Development Association, Tamale, Northern Region of Ghana.
Al Khajeh, E. H. (2018). Impact of leadership styles on organizational performance. Journal of Human Resources Management Research, 2018, 1-10.
Wen, T. B., Ho, T. C., Kelana, B. W. Y., Othman, R., & Syed, O. R. (2019). Leadership Styles in Influencing Employees’ Job Performances. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(9), 55-65.
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