Jeff Bezos, founder and CEO of, understands the importance of goals
and plans. As a leader, he exudes energy, enthusias m, and drive. He's fun loving (his
legendary laugh has been described as a flock of Canadian geese on nitrous oxide) but
has pursued his vision for Amazon with serious intensity and has demonstrated an
ability to inspire his employees through the ups and downs of a rapidly growing
company. When Bezos founded the company as an online bookstore, his goal was to
be the leader in online retailing. Now 20 y
general store, selling not only books, CDs, and DVDs, but millions of products you can
ars later, Amazon has become the world's
buy. What can you learn from this leader making a difference?
Expert's answer
CEO Jeff Bezos is a charismatic leader who has the energy, optimism, enthusiasm, confidence, and drive to set and pursue goals for risky new ventures and to inspire his employees to work hard to achieve them.
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