The characteristics of the underlying system include; Organization, interaction, independence, integration, and central objectives. Organization implies the arrangement of the components that assists in objectives achievement while Interaction characteristics refer to how the element of the system functions with each other. Furthermore, interdependence characteristic means that organizational parts or the systems of the computer depend on each other, whereas the integration bases on how the systems are knotted together. Finally, the central objective helps in analyzing the successful design and conversion of a computer application.
The Mintzberg ten roles of managers include; figurehead, leader, liaison, monitor, disseminator, spokesperson, entrepreneur, disturbance handler, resource allocator, and negotiator. These roles are described as follows:
i. Figurehead – this is the social and legal responsibilities of managers.
ii. Leader- provides leadership for the team.
iii. Liaison- the communication of managers with internal and external contacts.
iv. Monitor- looking for relevant environmental changes.
v. Disseminator- communicating useful information to the colleagues and the team.
vi. Spokesperson- the manager speaks for the organization.
vii. The entrepreneur- the manager, should create and controls changes in an organization.
viii. Disturbance handler- the manager solves disputes within an organization.
ix. Resource allocator- the manager determines the best applications of an organization.
x. Negotiator- Manager takes part in meaningful negotiations with the organization, department, and the team.
The characteristics required for an entrepreneur wanting to open an advertising agency include:
The entrepreneurs should be;
i. Ambitious- competitive and high achievement.
ii. Independent- they should lead but not follow.
iii. Risk-takers: - they can control outcomes over the high risky ventures.
iv. Visionary- they should have the ability to identify the trends and take appropriate action on them.
v. Passionate- entrepreneur should love their work and can sacrifice for their business.
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