22. Which one of the options below applies, in order for a subject to qualify as an independent discipline?
1. It must follow general and common procedures or methods in research
2. It must have a wide range of objects of study
3. It must be possible to identify general and common areas of study
4. It must have a sturdy theoretical foundation
23. Intention is linked to two foundations, namely … elements.
1. affective and cognitive
2. conative and emotional
3. cognitive and volitional
4. expressive and volitional
24. To determine a ‘good theory’, the principle of ‘evidence of validity’ refers to:
1. Generalisation of ideas
2. Facts fitting together harmoniously to guide policy implications
3. The ability to contradict the assumptions of a theory 4. Real-life empirical support for the theory
22) It must have a sturdy theoretical foundation
23)conative and emotional
24)Real-life empirical support for the theory
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