15. According to the general theory of crime, poor self-control is a prominent factor associated with…
1. poor socialising practices.
2. hereditary factors.
3. poor child-rearing practices.
4. cognitive deficiencies
16. People have limited free will and although they can make choices about their behaviour, these choices are influenced by genetic and environmental factors. This statement relates to:
1. Hard determinism
2. Soft determinism
3. Moral reasoning
4. Locus of control
17. There are various motivation theories which describe and explain human behaviour. Of these motivation theories, which one advocates that rewards and punishment serve to ensure that people act in a particular way?
1. Structure
2. Process
3. Instrumental
4. Content
Question 15
Answer 3. poor child-rearing practices.
Question 16
Answer 1. Hard determinism
Question 17
Answer 2. Process
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