How would the principal help this teacher to create a vision for his class? Explain why it is important to learn about this during our studies and as the practising teaching during both the theoretical and practical aspects of teaching studies
One of the best ways a principal can motivate their teachers is by showing respect for their time both during and after school. Refrain from scheduling staff meetings and professional development workshops in the week leading up to report cards or final exams.
By creating a vision for teaching, educators are able to craft an “ideal image” of what it is they wish to accomplish in their classrooms and use this to sustain them throughout their teaching career (Hammerness, 2006). Teachers who enact a clear vision are often able to “adjust, modify, and invent” (Duffy, 2002, p. True visions explain educational processes. They show how things are done and how educational results are achieved. For the individual, a principle, when it is understood and accepted, serves in important ways to guide his reflective thinking and his choice of activities or actions.
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