1. One of the features of human language is the use of the vocal auditory channel
a. Name four vocal organs of speech that are used in the production of speech.
b. Name one auditory organ that is used for hearing
2. The grammatical concept of case is realized by nouns and pronouns in English in three forms. Identify the form of words written in capital letters in the following sentences
a) HIS parents live in Soweto.
b) jOE BIDEN is the newly elected president of the united states'of America
c) Gloria addressed THEM
d) The teacher taught BONGANI in grade two
e) These are MICHAEL'S books
3. Explain why the verb "to be" is realized as "am" and "were" in the following sentences:
a) I am a student
b) we were tired
c) what is the grammatical concept that can be used to explain the changes in the form of the verb "to be" in a) and b) above?
1 (a)The main articulators include the tongue, upper lip, lower lip, upper teeth, upper gum ridge (alveolar ridge), hard palate, velum (soft palate), uvula (free-hanging end of the soft palate), pharyngeal wall, and glottis (space between the vocal cords).
(b)Â the cochlea
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