How can you write this in your own words?
1. Science is tentative: The knowledge obtained is subject to change. New
discoveries and observations are often made that challenge the existing and
accepted hypotheses of the time. This leads to reinterpretation and adaption of
the existing hypothesis. In other words, the theories can change if new evidence
is provided that shows a contradictory explanation.
2. Science relies on empirical evidence without which a
hypothesis remains speculative. Evidence is a series
of facts that are deduced from observations that are
interconnected and presented in such a way as to
support the explanation of a natural
1] There is great dynamism in the field of science due to the new discoveries and experiments that are outshining the existing knowledge in science. The provision of practical data has caused theories to be adjusted to accommodate the new science.
2] Empirical evidence is what makes science. It makes it look futuristic since there must be data to provide facts about the observation mainly done through practical. Science cannot be separated by evidence to avoid biasness.
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