Discuss the implication for language development in grade r
Language is necessary to human beings because they are social
and gregarious. Human beings cannot effectively interact
without languages. A language may be defined as a vast
repertoire of words that is organized by grammar and syntax.
Language development is controlled by the brain. Language is
expressed through speech. Without speech, there would be no
language because other forms of language written or sign
forms, are derived from speech. For the fact that speech is
involved, language is a motor activity controlled by the brain.
Language evolved to assist man in his interactions and
activities. All human societies in the world make use of
languages. Language is therefore, a cultural and social property.
It is easier to learn language from one word, sentences as well
as words that are simple to pronounce. Use of high-sounding
vocabularies are necessary when the learner has matured
linguistically. Language learning follows some principles –
principle of reinforcement, principle of conditioning and
principle of maturation. The teacher of any language needs five transdisciplinary skills students develop as they involve themselves in the learning environment.
Students are encouraged to reflect, to make informed choices and to take action that will help their peers, school staff, and the wider community.
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