Is the Philippines educational system response to the needs of Filipino students?
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The current status of Philippine education is incompatible with the world's current situation—innovation. It has a high level of modernization. Online education and modules are available to students from elementary school through doctoral level. Education in this country is preparing the next generation of learners to think critically by utilizing technology such as gadgets, social media, and other readily available learning materials that can be found wherever on your phone, not only in your book. Students nowadays have a strong desire to study more and are eager to be challenged and gain information. They appear to like learning through watching films and participating in current events across the world.When it comes to the authorities, they are getting more disciplined; even my toddler understands that the police officer must be obeyed. If not, someone will be held accountable if they do not follow the law. In the Philippines, education is now better than it was previously. Students are maturing in their understanding of the world, the environment, respect for others' lives, familial love, and the responsibility that everyone should bear for a better world.
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