Critically analyse diversity in the classroom by drawing connections amongst the theory of multiple intelligences
and curriculum for the Grade 10 learners focusing on your specialisation (one subject). Practical examples are
highly recommended to support your arguments.
Teachers of grade 10 learners can integrate multiple intelligence theory by recognizing the different intelligence levels of learners. Learners acquire and learn information at different rates. The curriculum should provide opportunities for all kinds of learners to develop their abilities regardless of their background. Let us take an example of a linguistic class for grade 10 learners. The teacher can use a combination of books, stories, poetry, and speeches as learning activities. To demonstrate understanding, the learners should be involved in script writing, story writing, and storytelling. Some learners are likely to enjoy storytelling. Others are likely to understand concepts better when doing story writing. In the classroom, small and large discussion groups in a linguistic class will allow the learners to learn from each other. The teacher can also use brainstorming activities, word games, and debates to teach a linguistic class. A combination of all this tactics will ensure the teacher takes care of the needs of individual learners.
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