Your assignment can come in any communication form EXCEPT essay (newspaper article, tv program, radio show, graphic novel, short film, painting, dance recital, presentation, letter, short story, poem, etc.).
  This will be an informative exploration of a bounded cultural group you are part of. It CAN NOT be religious/racial/ethnographic/nationally focused; nothing controversial or based in violence. Suggestion: think of a hobby or interest of yours (sports, video games, music, art, etc.) and the cultural group built around that subject.
  You are teaching me about your "cultural group" :)Â
  Also, identify any larger Dominant/Mainstream culture(s) of which yours is a Bounded sub-culture.
Ethnic songs
There are many ethnic recordings in this presentation, ethnic songs maybe of many genres including popular, classical, traditional, religious and they are usually not sung in English.
Ethnic songs are a component of different continents in the world, America, Africa, Europe etc.
In a nation of many cultures ethnic song and music include songs from nearly every cultural group and language group in the world.
Ethnic songs not only entertain in a language familiar to listeners ,they often play an important role in expressing and conserving our nation's diverse cultural heritage.
Songs and music as in all other forms of art are a dynamic form of cultural expression.
Performers borrow, interpret, and modify songs based on many factors including personal, cultural and regional influences . And throughout the history of mankind song and music have been influenced by historic events, conquering nations , ancient trade routes and ever changing communication systems.
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