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Movie Review: Birdshot (2016)
Tenderness and brutality exist side-by-side in “Birdshot,” the impressive second feature by young Filipino filmmaker Mikhail Red (“Rekorder”). Intertwining the stories of a farm girl who unwittingly kills a protected bird and an idealistic rookie cop who succumbs to corruption during a missing persons investigation, Red delivers a compelling study in the loss of innocence while also offering potent commentary on the state of things in the Philippines. Still enjoying a successful festival run that began with the Best Asian Future award at Tokyo, “Birdshot” opens domestically on Aug. 16 and is well worth the attention of distributors elsewhere.
In a refreshing change from city-based tales of corruption that are a fixture of Filipino cinema, “Birdshot” unfolds in lush countryside surrounding a sanctuary for the haribon (Philippine eagle). Since being declared the national bird in 1995, this species has become critically endangered by the deforestation of its natural habitats. Killing a haribon is punishable by lengthy prison terms and hefty fines.
Filmed in earthy tones with splashes of red in significant items of clothing and set decoration, “Birdshot” is wonderfully well directed and performed. Impressive newcomer Apostol has a magnetic screen presence and holds her own in the company of reliable pros Reyes and Arcilla. Haunting soundscapes by composer Teresa Barozzo, a frequent collaborator of Brillante Mendoza, rounds out the film’s classy technical presentation.
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