PART A – ETHICAL DECISION-MAKING MODEL (15%) 1. In one paragraph (about 300-400 words), describe an ethical dilemma that you have experienced. You must present an original dilemma, not one copied from the internet with different names. Remember, a dilemma involves making a moral choice between two or more alternatives (5 marks). 2. Draw an Ethical Decision-Making Model to illustrate the dilemma above. Your model should include: a statement of the dilemma in one sentence; one response using situation ethics and another response using the ethics of care theory; and your ethical resolution (10 marks). NOTE: Save your dilemma as a word or PDF document. You can present the dilemma creatively. There isn’t one format to follow for the dilemma, As long as part 2 is a DIAGRAM, this is fine. Use boxes to place your ideas within – like a flow chart.
Some examples of ethical dilemma examples include: Taking credit for others' work. Offering a client a worse product for your own profit.
1.Determine whether there is an ethical issue or/and dilemma. Is there a conflict of values, or rights, or professional responsibilities?
2.Identify the key values and principles involved. What meanings and limitations are typically attached to these competing values
3.Rank the values or ethical principles which – in your professional judgement – are most relevant to the issue or dilemma. What reasons can you provide for prioritizing one competing value/principle over another
4.Develop an action plan that is consistent with the ethical priorities that have been determined as central to the dilemma. Have you conferred with clients and colleagues, as appropriate, about the potential risks and consequences of alternative courses of action? Can you support or justify your action plan with the values/principles on which the plan is based
5.Implement your plan, utilizing the most appropriate practice skills and competencies. How will you make use of core social work skills such as sensitive communication, skillful negotiation, and cultural competence
6.Reflect on the outcome of this ethical decision making process.
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