As a Grade 1 teacher you want to assess whether learners are able to blend single sounds to make up words. Use the assessment process cycle – to discuss what you need to reflect on in each stage of the assessment process. You will lose marks if you provide a general discussion and do not locate it in the task of assessing children’s ability to blend sounds. The following stages in the assessment process must be included
The assessment seeks to provide greater depth to the overall educational profile of each student. Assessment aims to diagnose learning difficulties, monitor skill acquisition, considers an individual's strengths and weaknesses, and detects incorrect learning Teachers' practice formative assessment by observing their student's progress in class and checking for understanding, and summative assessment by testing students at the end of a lesson or unit to see whether they mastered the materials or skills that were taught.Teachers' assessment can provide information about learning processes as well as outcomes. test-taking means that assessment by teachers gives a more valid indication of pupils' achievement. ... further and higher education of teachers making crucial summative assessments of pupils' performance.
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