Is culture or lack of virtue the main factor behind the increasing number of Non Communicable Disease (NCD) cases in the Pacific? Address the question by referring to: 1) three principles from the theory of Virtue Ethics; and 2) three approaches to governance.
Culture and ethical virtues are critical in societies, and Fiji and other pacific islands are not excepted. No communicable diseases are commonly associated with lifestyle, while culture and ethics shape lifestyle practices in his regions. Three principles of ethics guide individuals’ practice in life; they determine when action is right or wrong, various actions, and virtue of moral characteristics. Failure to observe these principles makes people likely to engage in negative practices, leading to poor lifestyles and, eventually, NCD. On the other hand, governance determines the effectiveness of systems created to control and protect human behavior and rights. Corporate governance, good governance, and modern governance are popular approaches to governance that affect people’s day-to-day practice in society.
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