Compare and Contrast the different genres used by 21st century writers.
Illustrated Novel & Graphic Novel
Digi Fiction & Manga
Flash Fiction & Six-Word Fiction
Creative Non Fiction & Science Fiction
Illustrated Novel & Graphic Novel
A graphic novel, as its name suggests, is a novel that tells a complete story via illustrations. A graphic novel contains a beginning, middle, and end. Effectively, this makes a graphic novel longer and more substantive than a comic book, which is a serialized excerpt from a larger narrative.
Digi Fiction & Manga
Doodle fictions use handwritten elements to write its text and drawing while Manga use a very specific Japanese art style to draw the graphics, also they are read from right to left.
Flash Fiction & Six-Word Fiction
A flash fiction is a story of less than 1000 words. The key difference between the short story and a flash fiction is that flash fictions are significantly shorter than short stories, and both require different skills in order to craft a concise narrative given both word counts.
Creative Non Fiction & Science Fiction
Fiction refers to plot, settings, and characters created from the imagination, while nonfiction refers to factual stories focused on actual events and people.
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