Answer to Question #233663 in English for Angel

Question #233663

based on the war on humans by wesley smith(

Summarise the main arguments as proposed in the video clip in no more than 500 word.

Identify the main philosophical foundation/s (worldview/s or ideology/s) underlying the argument(s) put forward in the video clip (in other words – are the arguments based on the results of pure basic research, ideologically motivated research, applied research or commercially driven research? Try to demonstrate the interrelationship between science, technology & society when you answer this question). Max 500 words.

Expert's answer

The environmental movement has helped produce critical upgrades in our general surroundings—from cleaner air to the safeguarding of regular ponders like Yellowstone. Yet, lately, ecological activists have emerged who see people as Public Enemy #1. In this provocative book, Wesley J. Smith uncovered endeavors by extremist activists to lessen the human populace by up to 90% and to concede lawful rights to creatures, plants, and Mother Earth. Smith contends that a definitive casualties of this skeptical campaign will be the least fortunate and generally helpless among us, and he asks us to shield both human respect and the common habitat before it is past the point of no return.

In 1972, Canadian science telecaster David Suzuki advised some snickering understudies, "Something I've gotten off on of late is that essentially… we as a whole are natural product flies." But that was only the beginning: Suzuki then, at that point compared us to "slimy parasites" who are "brought into the world as an egg" and "in the long run bring forth out and begin slithering around," eating and "pooping all around the climate."

Stigmatizing people as worms was tense back in the hippy-dippy days (and Suzuki looked like it with his long-hair and John Lennon-style glasses), yet few treated such declarations exceptionally in a serious way. They were made to stun or stand out enough to be noticed more than to communicate real pessimism. In those days, the ecological development didn't by and large malign people. Maybe, it upheld forestalling and tidying up contamination, securing imperiled species, and protection as an issue of human obligation. Those are respectable objectives, ones which I support. Lamentably, the essential upsides of the first ecological development have gone the method of chime base pants. Lately, similar to termites drilling into a structure's establishment (to acquire a Suzuki-type allegory), against humanism has debased hippie thinking and support. Without a doubt, ecological activists today regularly slander people as parasites, infections, tumors, microbes, and killers of the Earth.

Suzuki, presently a world-renowned big name and hostile to a worldwide temperature alteration lobbyist, unquestionably hasn't changed his old enemy of human perspectives. When asked by a Canadian Broadcasting Corporation questioner in 2009 with regards to how his "not extremely hopeful" impression of mankind has changed since he called individuals slimy parasites, Suzuki simply diverted the inquiry, noticing that prejudice had decreased yet additionally regretted that "Humankind is humankind… I simply wish they'd quit being so human!"

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07.09.21, 01:45

Wow thank you so much

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