Balfour (2016) examines the decline in the numbers of state schools and propose reasons for this phenomenon briefly discuss the reasons for this decline
Balfour [2016] has been examining the reasons for the decline in the number of state schools and these are some of the reasons of such decline;
Quality and satisfaction issues
Quality and satisfaction issues leads to a decline in state schools because if study is done to weigh the quality of the school, it will be done through the feedback of parents, staff and learners. If all these people are dissatisfied then it leads to decline.
Ineffective leadership
Ineffective leadership can lead to the decline in state schools if the heads of schools lacks the skill to provide unrealistic and encouraging leadership. Poor leadership will lead to decline in admission and if the staff does not believe in the leadership it will be hard for it to grow.
Enrolment and marketing plan
If a school lacks good planning it would be hard for it to be adjusted in accordance to the trends and results along the way. Without good planning the enrolment and marketing plan will decline leading to closing down of the school.
Environmental issues
Matters that surround the school majorly affect the school. These issues can be the local economy, community or the local environment that surrounds the school.
Staffing issues
The school staffs play a very crucial role in determining the capacity in which the school would grow. If this sector is interfered with the school will not grow and this will lead to a decline in state schools.
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