Do the following exercise in logical structuring by arranging the following five sentences in a logical sequence, and then re-present them in a logically flowing paragraph.
1. Research conclusions are derived from the research focus and the data which has been collected and interpreted to shed light on the research problem.
2. The planning of the research is valid if it is completely in line with the research problem.
3. If any aspect of the research raises questions regarding the validity thereof, the scientific value of the research project is seriously compromised.
4. The scientific quality of a research project is essentially determined by the validity of each aspect (planning, implementation, conclusions) thereof.
5. The implementation of a research project is steered by the aim of the research.
The scientific quality of a research project is essentially determined by the validity of each aspect (planning, implementation, and conclusion) thereof the planning of the research is valid if it is completely in line with the research problem. The implementation of a research project is steered by the aim of the research.
Research conclusion is derived from the research focus and data which has been collected and interpreted to shed light on the research problem. If any aspect of the research raises questions regarding the validity thereof, the scientific quality of a project is seriously compromised.
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