Indicate whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE:
1. In the olden days, parents were regarded as educators, and educators as parents.
2. Communicating effectively with the parents of the children, should never be through technology, since parents are too traditional.
3. Educators are also administrators of their classrooms, but mostly outside of the classrooms.
4. Parents should be given fair chances to speak, during interviews by the educators.
5. Interviews may be used to introduce parents as friends to their children’s educators.
6. One of the rights and duties of the parents is to be liable for any damage that may be caused by their children on school property.
7. SA-SAMS was developed to assist with allocating educators subjects and classes, as part of their time-table.
8. One of the barriers of parental collaboration is when parents know what to do and their importance to the school.
9. Should the parents feel unvalued, they may ask the principal how best they can assist the school.
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