Introduce the background on research question : what are the key factors and solutions in dealing with learners from child-headed families in high schools?
There is now a new type of family: the kid-headed family, often known as child-headed households (CHH). A CHH is defined as a family unit in which the oldest individual dwelling is under eighteen.
Learners' Attitudes Toward Teachers' Preparedness
According to several studies, most orphaned children from CHHs live in a stressful environment, and many of them struggle with unmet basic requirements such as food, shelter, education, medical care, and worse psychological well-being than other children. Children's accounts of their situations and the problems they confront emphasize the need for assistance. Because of their anguish and social isolation, many youngsters want to die. This is exacerbated by the guilt, fear, and rejection that frequently surrounds them. As a result, students arrive at school carrying these enormous obligations, lacking affection, warmth, and resources, and experiencing adversity.
Household duties
Household duties were identified as one obstacle imposed by growing up in CHH that influenced learners' academic achievement in the research. Several participants mentioned that heads of homes perform much housework, such as cleaning, paying attention to siblings, and gardening.
Financial Difficulties
It was determined that children from CHH are vulnerable to poverty due to a fragmented extended family safety net and insufficient material help from the government. They have few options for earning money to support their families. Teachers, parents, and students all agreed that financial limitations had a detrimental influence on the education and behavior of CHH students.
Social isolation was one of the challenges that students from CHH encountered that impacted their school learning. Discrimination is experienced by the youngsters in society and at school. Children with CHH face discrimination in their own society.
They face a slew of challenges in their daily lives, many of which impact their academic performance.
The following solutions are recommended f
Through the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education, the government should intensify the implementation, monitoring, and evaluation processes of programs such as Social Welfare and other Government initiatives on the lives of orphans, because some needy children do not benefit from these programs due to corruption.
Teachers should analyze and comprehend children's diverse origins and refrain from labeling, judging, and stereotyping them. Because they function in locoparentis, they must love and care for children from child-headed households.
Organizations that help children should focus not only on their basic needs but also on their psycho-social well-being through providing and counseling.
Children should have access to information to understand the provisions of the law and protective policies and take informed legal action if they are exploited or mistreated.
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